After the end:A ck2 mod Wikia

This is a directory to the various religions in After The End. Heresies are in parenthesis.


Rastafarianism: The primary religion of the Carribbean empire, based on the teachings of Marcus Garvey.

Voodoo: Vodouists worship a creator god, Bondye, and pray to his servants, the Loa, who act as intermediaries.

Santería: Translates roughly to "devotion of the saints", they worship three aspects of one god, with the saints acting as intermediaries.

Candomblé: The religion of the Brazilian invaders, a belief that focuses on worship through dance rituals.

Espiritista: A faith originating in old Venezuela as a syncretism between Catholicism and various other religions.

Old World Cultists

Americanism: This religion believes that a group known as the founding fathers were gods.

  • (Hamiltonian): Americanist heresy that believes that the founding fathers had implied powers not stated in their holy texts.
  • (Jeffersonian): Americanist heresy that believes the common people and soldier of Ancient America should be revered in addition to the Founding Fathers.
  • (Libertarian): Americanist heresy that believes in superiority of Lady Liberty in the Americanist pantheon.

Atomicists: This religion believes in a godlike power known as the Atom.

Consumerism: The followers of this religion believe that the Almighty Dollar caused The Event because Americans did not conduct the ritual known as the shopping enough.

Cult of Saints

Sagrado Corazon: Religion in Mexico that is derived from Catholicism mixed with a pantheon of several quasi-deities from ancient Mexican folklore.

Gracia Divina: Religion based in Colombia with key elements of Catholicism mixed with a pantheon of quasi-deities from South American folklore.


Evangelicalism: Protestants from multiple denominations which became a single religion.It is centered in the Southeast United States.

  • (High Church): Evangelical heresy that represents Anglicanism in the post-Event Americas.
  • (Charismatic): Christian faith that believes God and the Holy Spirit speaks through miracles. Considered an Evangelical heresy.
  • (Antinomianism): Christian faith that believes one can reach salvation based on faith alone and that one does not need to follow Mosaic law. Considered an Evangelical heresy.

Catholics: A Catholic resurgence centered in the American Midwest, with a new Papacy in St. Louis.

  • (Sedevacantism): Catholic heresy that does not recognize the Pope in St.Louis.
  • (Neo-Gnosticsm): A syncretic faith consisting of a mixture of Christian and Cetic teachings. It is considered a Catholic heresy due to its focus on the Christian part of its teachings.

Ursuline: A group consisting of Christians who submit to the Abbess-General in Quebec and a female priesthood. They were Catholics in the distant past but now refuse to recognize the Pope in St.Louis.

  • (Angeline): Ursuline heresy that believes in clerical cohabitation with the secular world and rejects cloistered monastic life.

Confederated: A blend of the two Canadian churches, formed by uniting key Canadian cities.

Falling Star: A Christian religion championed by the Moskito people of Central America in the aftermath of the Event.

Anabaptist: A branch of Christianity which includes the Amish, Hutterites and Mennonites. These groups banded together to survive in the post-Event world, where their pacifistic doctrine was put to the test.

Latter-day Saints

Mormon: Religion founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 in the New England area. Based on Joseph Smith's direct visitation by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the translating of an additional religious text to complement the Bible. Even before the Event, the Mormons were heavily persecuted and developed a self-sustaining culture in Deseret.

  • Bickertonite: Belief in a sacred duty to share salvation, and refusal in the practice of polygamy. Essentially modern Latter Day Saints prior to 'The Event'.
  • Godbeite: A more mystical form of Mormonism,with belief in religious reform and monogamy.
  • Strangite: Followers of James Strang, believing him to be the successor to Joseph Smith. Practices include the ordination of women into the priesthood and animal sacrifice.


  • Rust Cultists: Centered around the veneration of Old World machinery and factories
  • Occultists: A system of beliefs based around the writings of H.P. Lovecraft
  • Revelationists: This religion is vaguely Christian, but highly distorted and having extreme emphasis on the miraculous.
  • Norse: A revival of the old Norse ways centered around Minnesota and Wisconsin that believes that the Christian god failed Old America and the their old gods can protect them where their Christian god could not.
  • Thelemic: A cult inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley and centered around the veneration of the Queen of England.

Native American

  • Nanissáanah: Translating to "Ghost Dance", this is the traditional faith of the Plains Indians of the American Heartland.
  • Xhúuyee K'iigaang: Translating to "Raven Tales", the traditional faith of the Haida and Natives of the Pacific Northwest.


  • Mictlantec: An Aztec-derived belief system that is the most similar faith to the classical Aztec religion.
  • Neomayan: A syncretic Mayan religion formed from a mix of Mayan beliefs and an assortment of outside influences.
  • Sol Invicta: An Aztec-derived belief system that revolves around the worship of a powerful sun goddess.
  • Uahomche: A Mayan-derived religion that carries on traditional Mayan beliefs with very little outside influences.


  • Cetic: A faith centered around the reverence of the Emperor of California that is closer to a spiritual lifestyle than a true religion and derives from several different philosophies and historical teachings.
  • Gaian: The worship of the spirits of all things in nature with a pervasive belief in female superiority.
  • Shinto: The faith of the Japanese "colonists" is a blend of traditional Japanese and Buddhist religions and Emperor worship.


Brethren: The followers of this religion worship various gods of the sea, believing it to be the source of all things, from sustenance to wealth.
